English Grammar Class 12 Synthesis

English Grammar class 12 Synthesis

Brevity is the soul of writing. Writing ને જેટલું સંક્ષિપ્ત માં લખવામાં આવે તેટલી  Writing skill વધુ સારી કહેવાય. અંગ્રેજી ભાષા પર જેટલું પ્રભુત્વ વધતું જાય તેમ તેમ આ બાબત પર પ્રભુત્વ આવતું જાય છે. મિત્રો, વિવિધ સંયોજકો તેમજ વાક્ય ૨ચનાઓનું જ્ઞાન જેટલું વધારે હશે તેટલો સારો દેખાવ તમે આ પ્રકરણમાં કરી શકશો.

  • આ પ્રશ્ન માં તમને ચાર વિધાનો આપ્યા હશે. તમારે યોગ્ય સંયોજકનો ઉપયોગ કરીને આ ચાર વાક્યોનું એક અર્થપૂર્ણ વાક્યમાં રૂપાંતર કરવાનું છે. આપણને ઉપયોગમાં આવતા સંયોજકો , વાક્ય રચનાઓનો ખ્યાલ ઉદાહરણ સાથે નીચે દર્શાવવામાં આવ્યો છે. કેટલીક બાબતોનું પુનરાવર્તન અહીં થશે.


આ પ્રકારમાં બે કે તેથી વધુ વાક્યોને કોઈ પણ conjunction (સંયોજક) ના ઉપયોગ કર્યા વગર ,  adjective (વિશેષણ) phrase (શબ્દ સમૂહ) નો ઉપયોગ કરીને જોડવામાં આવે છે. દા.ત.

(1) I bought a pen. It is a new pen.

     I bought a new pen.

(2) The book is on the table. It has pictures.

The book on the table has pictures.

(3) The boy looked at me. He went out.

     Looking at me, the boy went out.

(જ્યારે એક ક્રિયા પછી તરત જ બીજી ક્રિયા થાય ત્યારે)

(4) My pen is broken. I can not write

  I can not write with my broken pen.

(5) I saw a bird. It had long wings.

    I saw a bird with long wings.

(6) He worked hard. He did not pass.

Inspite of working hard, he did not pass.

(જ્યારે બંને વાક્ય વિરોધી અર્થ ધરાવે ત્યારે )

(7) Mira was ill. She did not go to school.

    Mira did not go to school, because of / due to her illness.

(જયારે કારણ દર્શાવવાના હોય ત્યારે)

(8) He went U.S.A. He want to earn money.

    We went U.S.A. to / in order to earn money.

(હેતુ દર્શાવવાનો હોય ત્યારે infinitive ના ઉપયોગ દ્વારા)

(9)Rabindranath Tagore was a great poet, He won the Nobel Prize.

Rabindranath Tagore, a great poet won the Nobel Prize.

(10) She answered me. Her answer was correct.

   She answered me correctly.

(11) The question paper was very lengthy. The students could not complete it in time.

  The question paper was too lengthy for the students to     complete.

(12) The television was very cheap. Everyone could buy it.

   The television was cheap enough to buy.

(Adj/ Adv ની અતિશયોક્તિ / વધારેપણું દર્શાવવા too/ enough નો ઉપયોગ થાય.)

Exercise-1 : Join the following sentences and make one meaningful sentence.

  1. Arpan did his homework. He went out.
  1. The typist typed all the letters. He put them before the manager to sign.
  1. Mr. Raval finished his lecture. He left the class.
  1. We shall visit Manali then we shall go to Shimala.
  1. Kavya takes her breakfast. she goes to school.
  1. Mann will go to Canada. He wants to earn much money
  1. Anil shifted to Gandhinagar. He wanted to live peaceful life.
  1. Jhanvi studies hard. She has to stand first in the class.

9.Khushi goes to Mansa every week. She likes to attend Dhyan yog.

  1. Dhananjay went to Manvi’s school. He wanted to meet her class teacher.
  1. It is too hot. You should not go out.
  1. The watch is very costly. I cannot buy it.
  1. This sum is very easy. You can solve it easily.
  1. The box is light enough. Raj can lift it.
  1. Jay walked very fast. He could catch the train.
  1. Dhiren went to Delhi. He went there by plane.
  1. I saw a big bird. It had wide wings.
  1. Sameer brought a nice car. He brought it for Janu.
  1. Dhruvi could not attend the function. She was ill.
  1. Gandhiji said this. The truth is the God.
  1. Aayushi gave me a gift. It is very costly.
  1. Gunjan has a car. It is red.
  1. Madhuri Dixit is an actress. She is very charming.
  1. The thief saw the police. He ran away.
  1. Kohli declared the innings. He went to the dressing room.

આ પ્રકારના બે કે તેથી વધુ વાક્યોને  and, but, or કે જેવા conjunction 

(સંયોજક) વડે જોડવામાં આવે છે.

(1)and : અને / અને પછી

(i)Ritu got up. She went out.

   Ritu got up  and went out.

(ii) Raju went Ambaji. Nitu went Ambaji.

      Raju and  Nitu went Ambaji.

(iii) Sohil opened a new shop. He sold electronic items.

Sohil opened a new shop and sold electronic items.

Note : એક જ પ્રકારના અર્થ , ક્રિયા , ભાવ દર્શાવતા શબ્દોને/ વાક્યોને ‘ and’

 વડે જોડાય. and ને સ્થાને as well as , not only.but also તેમજ both…and જેવા સંયોજક નો ઉપયોગ પણ કરી શકાય.

(2) but : પરંતુ

(i) He works hard. He can not get result.

He works hard but he can not get result.

(ii) He is on time. No body trusts him.

He is on time but no body trusts him.

Note: but ને સ્થાને yet તેમજ still મૂકી શકાય.બંને વાક્ય વિરોધી ભાવ દર્શાવતો એવા વાક્યોને but/yet/still વડે જોડાય.

(3) Or અથવા/નહિતર.

(i) Hurry up. You will miss the class.

Hurry up or you will miss the class.

(ii) He will come today. He will come tomorrow.

He will come today or  tomorrow.

(iii) I will come. Kinju will come.

      I or Kinju will come.

Note : બે માંથી એક એવો અર્થ સૂચવતા વાક્યને or વડે જોડાય. or ને સ્થાને otherwise, either.or કે  neither, nor જેવા conjunction નો ઉપયોગ કરી શકાય.

(4) So : તેથી

(i) He is weak. He won’t come.

    He is weak so he won’t come.

(ii) Raju is absent. I will teach you,

Raju is absent so I will teach you,

Note: એક વાક્યનું પરિણામ બીજું વાક્ય દર્શાવતું હોય ત્યારે વાક્યને‘so’ સંયોજક વડે જોડી શકાય.so  ને બદલે ‘therefore ’ સંયોજકનો ઉપયોગ કરી શકાય.


(A) Fill in the blanks with proper conjunctions from those given below.

  1. Both Ajay____ Axay are superstars.[ and , but, or]
  1. Do it sincerely____ leave it soon.[and, but, or]
  1. Bhagat Singh opposed the Britishers____ he was punished.


4.____Raj ____Jay got better result because of their carelessness.    [either.or,neither.nor, not only..but also]

  1. Jhanvi is clever___ intelligent.[and,but,so]
  1. Kavya does not study hard___ she gets good result.

                                                                [and, but, or]

  1. Khushi will visit Goa____ Bheda Ghat [and, but, so]
  1. Hurry up____ you will miss the bus. [and, but, or]
  1. Riddhi may come today____ tomorrow. [and, but, or]
  1. Vaidehi always speaks the truth_____ nobody trusts her.

                                                         [yet, otherwise, so]

  1. Tanuja is not very rich____she is always ready to help the poor.                                         [yet, otherwise, so]
  1. Mita got ready_____went out. [and, or, so]
  1. Atharva is ill_____he will not attend the function.

                                             [but, or, so]

  1. Mr. Modi addressed the meeting____ left for Delhi.

                                                    [and, but, or]

  1. I like___tea___coffee. Please, give me cold drink.

                           [either..or, neither..nor, not only…but also)

16._____ obey me___ leave the class. [either.or, neither.nor,           not only.but also]

  1. Pratham is weak____he can lift this heavy box.

                                       [yet,  otherwise, neither.nor]

  1. Sanjana looks tall_____beautiful [and,but ,or]
  1. You are late____you will be punished. [but,or,so]
  1. Madhuri called me____ I did not look at her.[but,or,so]

21.______I___My brother will attend the meeting. We both can’t.                      [either.or, neither.nor, not only…but]

  1. Mohan is miser. He helps____the poor____the needy.

                      [either.or, neither.nor, not only..but also]

  1. Work hard___you Wii fail. [and,but, otherwise]
  1. Bobby studies hard____he stood first in the class.[but,or,so]

25.Anil_____Vishwas are close friends.[and,but,or]


આ પ્રકારના વિધાનમાં વિવિધ વાક્યોને adjective clause, adverb clause, ના  ઉપયોગ વડે જોડવામાં આવે છે. વિવિધ પ્રકારના sub-ordinate conjunctions જેવા who, whose, whom, which‌ why, though, what, as, that, because, so that વગેરે નો ઉપયોગ કરીને બે કે તેથી વધુ વાક્યોને  complex sentence માં ફેરવીને એક વાક્ય બનાવાય છે.

(1)Who: કે જે (બીજા વાક્યમાં આવતા કર્તાને સ્થાને આવે) (કર્તા વિભક્તિ નો . સ. ના. He,She, They ના સ્થાને)

(i) He met a man. He is a doctor.

He met a man who is a doctor

(ii) I called Ajay. He is a teacher

I called Ajay whois a teacher:

(2) Whom : કે જે ને (બીજા વાક્યમાં આવતા કર્મ him,her,them  ને સ્થાને આવે.)

(i) Do you know Ashish. You met him yesterday.

Do you know Ashish whom you met yesterday.

(ii) Ishita met a man. She knew him very well

Ishita met a man whom she knows very well.

(3)Whose : કે જેનો, જેની, જેનું, જેના (બીજા વાક્યમાં આવતા સંબધક વિભક્તિ  his, her, their ને સ્થાને આવે)

(i) Meet Keyur. His paintings are famous

Meet Keyur whose  paintings are famous

(ii) Do you know Dr. Joshi. His articles are published today ?

Do you know Dr. Joshi whose articles are published today ?

(4)Which : કે જે ( સામાન્ય રીતે નિર્જીવ/ પ્રાણી માટે વપરાય) બીજા વાક્યના કર્તા  It ના સ્થાને પણ આવી શકે.

(i) I have a pen. It is made in Japan.

I have a pen which is made in Japan.

(ii)Ishita doesn’t know the matter. It is known to everybody.

Ishita doesn’t know the matter which is known to everybody.

(5) That : (કે)

(i) I know the fact. He is clever.

  I know the fact that he is clever.

(ii) She is a gold medalist. I believe so.

I believe that she is gold medalist.

(ii) He is regular. All know this.

All know that he is regular.

(6) How : (કેવી રીતે)

(i)Every body knows. He passed exam.

Every body knows how he passed exam.

(ii) I don’t know. I should tackle the issue.

I don’t know how I should tackle the issue.

(7) Where: કે જ્યાં ( સ્થળ દર્શાવવા , વાક્ય જોડવા માટે વપરાય)

(i)It is Porbandar. Gandhiji was born here.

It is Porbandar where Gandhiji was born.

(ii) Where has she gone ? I don’t know it.

I don’t know where she has gone.

(8) When : જ્યારે( સમય દર્શાવવા વાક્ય જોડવા માટે વપરાય)

(i) You came to my home. My mother called me.

When you came to my home, my mother called me.

(ii) The bell rang. The new period started.

When the bell rang, the new period started.

Note : when સ્થાને  as soon as, No sooner…than તેમજ Hardly…when જેવા સંયોજક પણ ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય.

Example : The thief saw the police he escaped.

  • No sooner did the thief see the police than the thief escaped.
  • As soon as the thief saw the police, he escaped.
  • Hardly had the thief seen the police when the thief escaped.

(9)If / Unless : (જો..તો)(શરત દર્શક વાક્ય બનાવવા માટે If કે unless વપરાય.)

(i) You come to my home I will give you party,

If  you come to my home, I will give you party

(ii) You work hard. You will be rewarded.

If you work hard, you will be rewarded.

(10) Though :તેમ છતાં ( બંને વાક્યો વિરોધી ભાવ દર્શાવતા હોય તેવા વાક્યો  though વડે જોડાય)

(i) He works hard. He fails twice.

Though he works hard, he fails twice.

(ii)He is on time. Nobody trusts him.

Though he is on time, nobody trusts him.

(11) Because : કારણ કે (since, as, for) વડે પણ જોડી શકાય.

(i)He will not come. He is ill.

  He will not come because he is ill.

(ii) The boy was drowned. He could not swim.

The boy was drowned because he could not swim.

Note : Because ને સ્થાને  since કે as સંયોજક મૂકી શકાય.

(12) Why : શા માટે ( કારણ દર્શાવવા)

(i) I don’t know. He is late.

I don’t know why he is late.

(ii) Do you know the reason. He does not come now-a-days.

Do you know the reason why he does not come now a days.

  બે વાક્યોને  ઉપર દર્શાવવા પ્રમાણે simple, compound અને complex sentence  બનાવીને જોડી શકાય. વિવિધ conjunctions (સંયોજક )ની ઉદાહરણ સાથે સમજૂતી મેળવ્યા પછી બે થી વધારે વાક્યોને કેવી રીતે જોડી શકાય તે બાબતની ઉદાહરણ સાથે Exercise નીચે દર્શાવવામાં આવી છે.


Fill in the blanks with the words given in the bracket below.

1._____Ramukaka is old, he is healthy.[though, because, why]

  1. Kavya is the girl____ is very obedient.[who, whom, whose]
  1. Ajay is the boy____ the teacher honoured.[who, whom, whose]
  1. Call the student____ father is a doctor..[who, whom, whose]
  1. I always use the things____are made in India.

                                           [whose, which, who]

  1. All_____glitters is not gold.[which, that, how]
  1. The mechanic explained___the machine works.

                                                    [which, that, how]


  1. Karamsad is the place___ Sardar Patel was born.

                                                [how, where, when] 

  1. May is the month_____ we have a vacation.

                                          [how, where, when] 

10.____you work hard, you will achieve everything.

                                               [if, unless, though]

11.____one obeys his parents, he will be unhappy in life.

                                                     [if, unless, though]

  1. Chintan was punished_____ he misbehaved in the class.

                                                           [though, because,why]

  1. Nobody knows the reason_____;Apurva is crying now.

                                                [ though, because,why]

14.____Dhiren earns much, he does not spend much.

                                                  [ though, because,why]


  1. Do you know the city____Arunima was born?

                                            [how, where, when]

  1. Tell me the time____ the Ashram Express arrives.

                                                     [how, where, when]

17.___Raj does not speak the truth, he will be scolded.                                                                                    

                                                         [though, since, why]

  1. Virat Kohli is the player___’ got the Arjun Award’ last year.       

                                                         [who, whom, whose]

  1. A girl met me____ purse was stolen. [who, whom, whose]
  1. Do you know the person____you met before some time?     

                                                          [who, whom, whose]

  1. Repair the chair of_____ leg is broken. 

                                 [whom, whose, which]

  1. The manager announced_____ it would be a holiday the next day.                                               [which, that, how]
  1. Stop the baby____is crying.[who, whom, whose]

24.I won’t eat this fruit ___it is very bitter.

                             [though, because, why]

  1. _______Rohit was late, he was permitted to enter the exam hall.                            [though, because, why]


Join the following Sentences.

  1. Anil visited Somnath. He then visited Dwarka.

                                            [both.. and,but,or]

  1. Manan appeared in competitive exam. He was selected as junior Engineer.                          [and, but, or]

3.Krutarth appeared in the exam. He failed. [and, but, or]

4.Mary Kom won the gold medal. She was awarded by the government. [but, or, so]

  1. The critic said much about the owl. Nobody paid attention to him. [and, but, or]
  1. Sit quietly. Go out. [and, but, or]

7.Arpan does not take tea. He does not take coffee.

[either..or, neither nor, and]

  1. My father did not meet the principal. He also did not meet my class teacher. [either.or, neither..nor, but]
  1. Kavya is clever. She is hardworking.[and, but,or]
  1. Work hard. You will not get good result..[and, but,or]
  1. Give me a pen. Give me a pencil.[either.or, neither.nor, but]
  1. Milkha Singh tried hard. He could not secure the first place.

[and, but, or]

  1. Lajja Goswami targeted the perfect aim. She got the gold medal. [but, or so]
  1. Virendra got up early. He missed the bus. (and, but, or]
  1. Riya will stand first. Richa will stand first.

(either.or, neither.. nor, and]

  1. Khushi went to the temple. She bowed down before the Lord Shiva. [and, but, or]
  1. You are late. You will not be allowed to enter.[but,or,so]
  1. This dress is very costly. Kunjan will buy it.[and,but, or]
  1. Shlok does not obey his parents. He does not obey his teachers. [either…or, neither..nor,so]
  1. Our players played well. We lost the match.[and,but,or]
  1. Our team performed well. We won the match.

 [and, but,or]

  1. Dhananjay is very obedient. He always observes the traffic rules. [but, or, so]
  1. The principal will give prizes. The chief guest will give

prizes.  (either..or, neither.nor otherwise] 

  1. Mr. Pancholi finished his lecture. He left the hall.

[and, but, or]

  1. Don’t misbehave. I will punish you, [and, but, or]
  1. Narendra Modi is the prime minister. People love him very much. [who, whom, whose]
  1. The police caught the thief. He had stolen Mrs. Mehra’s purse. (who, whom, whose]

28 Nilesh is a boy. His father is a millionaire.

[who, whom, whose]

  1. Ragini spoke the truth. Nobody believed her.

(though, because why]

  1. Shakti was arrested. He had committed a serious crime.

[though, because, why]

  1. All the students want to know. This machine works wonderfully.[that,how, where]
  1. Do you know? Mary Kom was Bom. [that, how, where]
  1. Meet Mr. Piccasso. His paintings are very famous worldwide.[who, Whom, whose]
  1. Do you recognize Mr. Tarak Mehta? His serial is very popular now a days.[ who, whom ,whose]
  1. Nobody Knows the fact. His father is an M.LA

[that,how, where]

  1. Lajja Goswami is a gold medalist I believe so.

[that,how, where]

  1. Darpan is very irregular. All know this.[that,how, where]
  1. We are eager to know. He passed exam.[that,how, where]
  1. Khushi does not understand. She should tackle this issue.

      [ that,how, where]

  1. The bell rang. The new period started.

[ were, when,if]

  1. It is kirti Mandir Gandhiji was born here.

[how,were, when]

  1. Jhanvi comes to my house. I will give her a party.

[if, because,why]

  1. Pujan will not come. He is ill.[though, because, why]
  1. Do you know the reason? He comes here every day.

  [ though, because, why]

  1. The guard blew the whistle. The train started.

      [how, where, when]

  1. You work hard. You will not be rewarded.

[if, unless, because]

  1. The teacher caught the boy. He was coping in the exam.

      [who, whom, whose]


  1. The girl is crying. Her purse has been stolen.

     [who, whom, whose]


  1. Riddhi told me. Dharavi had got the distinction marks.

      [whose, which, that]

  1. Vaidehi deposited money. She wanted to join the school four.[ though, because, why]


Join the following sentences.

  1. The message says this. It will re-install for the life of your heart. The message will see on your mobilebscreen Do you see that message.
  1.   Love will automatically erase PAST HURT EXE. Love will erase it from your current operatin system  will no longer disrupt other programme. It will happen as soon as you open

the file.

  1.   Walt Disney studied cartooning. He studied in Chicago. Walt was 21. He started animated cartoon company.
  1.   Mickey Mouse celebrated his 40th birthday in 1968. A quarter of a people had seen Disney Movie. 100 million watched Disney TV show. A billion read a Disney book or magazine. Almost ten million visited Disneyland.
  1.   Walt did all the animation. The Alice cartoons didn’t make much. Walt started a new series called Oswald the Rabbit. I realize it.
  1.   Walt’s influence lingers like a living presence. Everybody feels his present in studio, It will continue for many years. Walt is no more.
  1. My brother was imaginative. He was creative and industrious. He left many projects in progress. He did it to keep the rest of us busy for many years.


  1. Mind, emotions and body are closely interlinked. They always work together. If you try to observe about it. You will find this.
  1. You start lots of things. You don’t finish any. You start thinking about probable worry and get panic.
  1. Deal with your stress in better way. Your mental capacity will be less affected. Build up better stress management. You will be free then.
  1. I walked in to Nana’s room. I wanted to wake him up. I found that he was sleeping. Nana was sleeping in Nani’s bed.
  1. I lifted the bl;anket. I wanted to wake him up. I was stunned. I saw that Naina was sleeping in Nani’s dhoti and blouse

  13.Dr Kamble invited me. He called me in. Dr Kamble fortified my frayed nerves.He gave me a sutiff peg of whiskey.

 14.Nani passed away. Nana was very old and weak. Nana would find something to cavil at Nani did.BHe would keep quibbling with her. Nana supposed that Nani was alive.

  1. I was getting worried about Nana. I called my friend. His name was Dr K.D.Kamble. He was a psychiatrist.
  1. The villagers of Africa tell us stories. They tell us story about babies. Babies have been eaten by ants. These ants are driver ants of Africa.
  1. There are African ants. They are completely blind. They march in long lines. They devour any animals that happen to be in their path.
  1. Ants are intelligent. They work like human. They are helpful to one another. The scientists said this.
  1. Ants play games and nurse their sick babies. They have a highly developed social sense. They havebsocial sense like human being. We are told this.
  1. Ants are very clever. They can think better than us. They can do an impossible work. We can’t dobsuch work.
  1. I am in the hands of unprincipled people. They persuade me to adopt unpopular causes. They make me mouthpiece of  thsir propaganda. Some people believe this.
  1. Will you murmur about low wages? Your country is in danger. Your liberty is in danger. They are in danger because of your rulers.
  1. We are not free. The men who frame the laws represents the interests of the common people. They do not represent other interest. Only they right of vote is not enough.
  1. The workers have no liberties. They are compelled to work twelve hours day. They are ill paid. Their children labour in mills and factories.
  1. Civilization has grown more complex. The workers have become more slaves until today. They are little more than parts of machines they operate.
  1. Women need to be helped. Women lifted over ditches. All says this. Nobody help me.
  1. God is very unjust to me. He does not listen to my prayer. God himself is a man. I am not a man.

   28.Mr White searched for monkey’s paw. He searched it for some time. It was not there. Herbert was coming back.

  1. Monkey’s paw had caused enough trouble. Mr Morris threw it in the fire. Mr White quickly retrievedvthe paw. He took it back from the fire.
  1. Factual explanations are not palatable. They are not feasible. Headache acts. It acts as a password.
  1. I am suffering from headache. I am not in position to attend the meeting. I called my secretary.informed him.
  1. Headache is a very common excuse. This excuse is used by everybody. They use this excuse duringbspecial gatherings. They use it during official meetings.
  1. A lots of people suffer from these. You will be shocked to know this. There is no such thing as headache. There is no such thing as indisposition.
  1. Honest persons don’t tell lies. They don’t cheat others. The people honour them. They love them too.
  1. Socrates was given a cup of poison. He drank it. His friends were standing around him. He was talking to his friends.
  1. He has brought a message. It is from the collector. The Chief Minister is to visit the town. He will visit it next Sunday.
  1. A little later, his wife had to do some shopping. It took her past the public house. To her horror she saw her baby there. It was Sleeping.
  1. The sun rose. The travelers began their journey. They were to go to Ajmer. It was about fifty kilometers away from there.


  1. He had read Milton. He had read it in prose translation. He had read it when he was fourteen.He told us this.
  1. The computer is a machine. It is called a mechanical brain. It can solve many mathematical problems. It cannot feel like human beings.
  1. Let us all be true Indians. Let us all work for her unity. In that way we can make her great, We can make her prosperous too.
  1. The earth goes round the sun once a year. You do not know the fact. It is very strange The fact is known to every educated person.
  1. We saw a comedy drama. It was a ‘Parsi drama. We saw it at the Tagore Hall. We returned late at night.


  1. Axay stood first in the board. We came to know that. We went to his house. We wanted to congratulate him.
  1. Two cats had stolen some cheese. They could not decide how to divide it equally between them. They decided to ask a monkey to settle the dispute for them. They went to the

monkey for that purpose.

  1. I was crossing the street with my wife. It was after a lovely meal together. The next minute a car had hit me. It knocked me down.
  1. I know the German shoemaker from the days of my youth. He made my father’s shoes. He lived with his elder brother. He was living in a small by-street.
  1. Kadish was in despair. He went to consult the great specialist. His name was Dr. Yoetz. He was famous for his knowledge and wisdom.
  1. I told my mother. You were going to school. You were to

going to dance with me. Her tired eyes coluded .

  1. It was a stormy Christmas Eve. Delia and Harry were busy talking about the weather and many other things. A stranger comes to seek shelter. They treat him very warmly.



  1.   The king was ill. The people heard the news. They crowded to the palace. They wished to inquire about  his health.


  1. Honest persons don’t tell lies. They do not cheat others. People honour them. They love them too.

MARCH 2011

  1. A person cannot know about the future. He cannot prevent problems from coming. He should do his daily work well. He should not be discouraged easily.


  1. The shepherd saw the traveller. he was coming towards the cave. He rose to welcome him. He offered him a place in his cave.


  1.   Hanumanthappa wanted to study further. He was a poor coolie’s son. His daily income was only 40 rupees. He decided to help his father to support the family.


  1. Mahendra jaggad friend He is a doctor. He is very honest. He treats poor patients free of change.


  1. It was their good luck. They found their lost son. He was sitting on the steps of the temple.It was built outside the village.


  1.   Aunt Jane handed a cheque of ten pounds to Jill. She could pay off just one her bills, She could say one thing at least really belongs to her. She sent the cheque to the doctor.


  1. India became free in 1947. At that time there were more than five hundred states. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel united the country. He was a bold leader.

MARCH 2015

  1. Le‘t us all be true Indians. Let us all work for her unity. In that way we can make her great. We can make it prosperous too.

JULY- 2015

  1. Honest People do not tell lies. They do not cheat other. People honour them. They love them too.

 MARCH 2016

  1. Honest persons do not tell lie. They do not cheat other. People honour them. People love them too.

 MARCH 2017

  1. The Taj  Mahal is a wonderful monument. It was built by Shahjahan. It was built in the memory of his wife, Mumtaj. It is on the banks of the river Yamuna.


  1. This speech was delivered. It was delivered by Swami Vivekanand. Swamiji was representative of Hindu religion from India. The speech was delivered in Chicago


  1. Mr. Joseph was a principal in a primary primary school. The school was in Anand District. He was pious, kind and helpful .Many students and parents appreciated him for his work.



  1. Doing his homework, Arpan went out.
  1. Typing all the letters, the typist put them before the manager to sign.
  1. Finishing his lecture, Mr. Raval left the class.
  1. Visiting Manali, we shall go to Shimala.
  1. Taking her breakfast, Kavya goes to school.
  1. Mann will go to Canada to earn much money.
  1. Anil shifted to Gandhinagar to live peaceful life.
  1. Jhanvi studies hard to stand first in the class.
  1. Khushi goes to Mansa every week to attend Dhyan yog.
  1. Dhananjay went to Manvi’s school to meet her class teacher.
  1. It is too hot for you to go out.
  1. The watch is too costly for me to buy
  1. This sum is easy enough for you to solve it easily.
  1. This box is light enough for Raj to lift.
  1. Jay walked fast enough to catch the train.
  1. Dhiren went to Delhi by plane.
  1. I saw a big bird with wide wings.
  1. Sameer brought a nice car for Janu.
  1. Dhruvi could not attend the function because of her illness.
  1. According to Gandhiji, the truth is the God.
  1. Aayushi gave me a very costly gift.
  1. Gunjan has a red car.
  1. Madhuri Dixit is a very charming actress.
  1. Having seen the police, the thief ran away.
  1. Having declared the innings, Kohli went to the dressing room.

Ex2. Fill in the blanks.

  1. and.                         10.but. 19.so
  2. or.                            11.but. 20.but
  3. so                            12.and. 21.either..nor
  4. neither…. nor.          13.so. 22.neither..nor
  5. and.                         14.and. 23.otherwise
  6. but.                          15. neither..nor. 24.so
  7. and.                         16.either..nor. 25.and
  8. or.                            17.but
  9. or.                            18.and

Ex3. Fill in the blanks.

  1. though.        10.unless.   19.whose
  2. who.            11.If.       20.whom
  3. whom.         12.becsuse.   21.which
  4. whose.        13.whybb.   22.that
  5. which.         14.Though. 23. who
  6. that.            15.where. 24.because
  7. how.            16.when.   25.though
  8. where.         17.If 
  9. when.          18.who

Join the following Sentences

1.Anil visited both Somnath and Dwarka.

2.Manan appeared in the competitive exam and was selected as junior Engineer.

3.Krutarth appeared in the exam but he failed.

  1. Mary Kom won the gold medal so she was awarded by the government

5.The critic said much about the owl but nobody paid attention to him.

  1. Either sit quietly or Go out.
  1. Arpan takes neither tea nor coffee or

Arpan does not take either tea or coffee.

  1. My father met neither the principal nor my class teacher or

My father did not meet either the principal or my class teacher.

  1. Kavya is clever and hardworking.
  1. Work hard or you will not get good result.
  1. Give me either a pen or a pencil.
  1. Milkha Singh tried hard but he could not secure the first place.
  1. Lajja Goswami targeted the perfect aim so she got the gold medal.
  1. Virendra got up early but he missed the bus.
  1. Either Riya or Richa will stand first.
  1. Khushi went to the temple and bowed down before the 
  1. You are late so you will not be allowed to enter.
  1. This dress is very costly but Kunjan will buy it.
  1. Shlok obey neither his parents nor his Teachers. or

Shlok does not obey either his parents or his Teachers

  1. Our players played well but we lost the match.
  1. Our team performed well so we won the match.
  1. Dhananjay is very obedient so he always observes the traffic rules.
  1. Either the principal or the chief guest will give away prizes.
  1. Mr. Pancholi finished the lecture and left the hall.
  1. Don’t misbehave or I will punish you.
  1. Narendra Modi is the prime minister whom People love very much
  1. The police caught the thief who had stolen Mrs. Mehra’s purse.
  1. Nilesh is a boy whose father is a millionaire.
  1. Ragini spoke the truth but nobody believed her.
  1. Shakti was arrested because he had committed a serious crime.
  1. All the students want to know how this machine works wonderfully.
  1. Do you know where Mary Kom was Born?
  1. Meet Mr. Piccasso whose paintings are very famous worldwide
  1. Do you recognize Mr. Tarak Mehta whose serial is very popular now a days.
  1. Nobody Knows the fact that his father is an M.L.A.
  1. I believe that Lajja Goswami a gold medalist.
  1. All know that Darpan is very irregular
  1. We are eager to know how he passed exam.
  1. Khushi does not understand how she should tackle this issue.
  1. When the bell rang, the new period started.
  1. It is kirti Mandir where Gandhiji was born.
  1. If Jhanvi comes to my house, I will give her a party.
  1. Pujan will not come because he is ill.
  1. Do you know the reason why he comes here every day.
  1. When the guard blew the whistle, the train started.
  1. Unless you work hard, you will not be rewarded.
  1. The teacher caught the boy who was coping in the exam.
  1. The girl is crying whose purse has been stolen.
  1. Riddhi told me that Dharavi had got the distinction marks.
  1. Vaidehi deposited money because she wanted to join the school four.




1.Do you see the message that says it will reinstall for the life of your heart on your mobile screen.

  2.As soon as you open the file, love will automatically erase PAST HURT. EXE from your current opening system without disrupting other programme.

  3.When Walt Disney was 21, he studied cartooning in Chicago and started animated cartoon company.

 4.Till Mickey Mouse celebrated his 40th birthday in 1968, a quarter of a billion people had seen Disney movie, 100 million had watched Disney TV, a million had read and Disney book or magazine, ten million visited Disneyland.

  5.I realize that Walt did all the animation but the Alice cartoon didn’t make much, so Walt started a new series called Oswald the Rabbit.

  1. Though Walt is no more, his influence lingers like a living presence over the studio for many years.

7 . My imaginative, creative and industrious brother left many projects in progress to keep the rest is  busy for many years.

  1. If you try to observe, you will find that mind, emotions and body are closely interlinked and they always work together.
  1. You start lots of things but you don’t finish any so you starts thinking about probable worry and get panic.


  1. The better you deal with your stress the less your mental capacity will be affected to build up betterbstress management to be free.
  1. When I walked in to Nana’s room to wake him up, I found that he was sleeping in Nani’s bed.
  1. When I lifted the blanket to wake him up, I was stunned to see that Nana was sleeping in Nani’s dhoti and blouse.
  1. Dr Kamble invited me in and fortified my frayed nerves by giving me a stiff peg of whiskey.
  1. When Nani passed away, Nana was very old and weak yet he would find something to cavil at everything Nani’s did and would keep quibbling with her as if she were alive.
  1. I was getting worried about Nana so I called my friend Dr K.D.Kamble, a psychiatrist.
  1. The villagers of Africa tell us stories about babies, eaten by driver ants of Africa.
  1. The African ants are completely blind but they march in long lines and if any animal that happensbto be in their path, they will devour it.
  1. The scientists said that ants are intelligent, helpful to one another and work like human.
  1. We are told that ants play games, nurse their sick babies and have a highly developed social sense like human beings.
  1. Ants are so clever that they can think better than us because they can do such an impossible work that we can’t do.
  1. Some people believed that I am in the hands of

unprincipled people who persuade  me to adopt unpopular causes and make me mouthpiece of their propaganda.

  1. Will you murmur about low wages when our country and our liberty are in danger because ef your rulers.


  1. Unless the men who frame laws represent the interest of the common people and no other interest , we will not be free because only the right of vote is not enough.
  1. The workers have no liberties when / till they are compelled to work twelve hours a day, ill paid and their children labour in mills and factories.
  1. As civilization has grown more complex, the workers have become more slaves until today they are little more than parts of machines they operate.
  1. All say that women need to be helped and lifted over ditches but nobody helps me.
  1. God is too unjust to listen to my prayer because he himself is a man and I am not a man.
  1. When Herbert was coming back, Mr White searched for monkey’s paw for sometime but it was not there.
  1. Monkey’s paw had caused enough trouble so Mr.Morries threw quickly retrieved it from the fire.
  1. Where/ When factual explanation are neither palatable nor feasible, headache acts as a password.
  1. I called my secretary and informed him that owing to headache, I am not attending this meeting
  1. Head ache is such a common excuse that it is used by everybody during social gathering or during official meetings.
  1. Though a lots of people suffer, you will be shocked to know that there is no such thing as headache or indisposition.

34.The people honour and love honest person house they neither tell lies nor chean others.

  1. Socrates who was talking to his friends, standing around him, was given a cup of poison which he drank.
  1. He has brought the message from the collector that the chief minister is to visit the town next Sunday.
  1. A little later his wife had to do some shopping, which took her past the public house where to her horror she saw her baby sleeping.
  1. When the sun rose, the travelers began their journey to Ajmer which was about 50 kms. away from there.
  1. He told us that he had read Milton in a prose translation when he was 14.
  1. The computer a mechanical brain, is a machine that can solve many mathematical problems but it cannot feel like human beings.
  1. Let us all be true Indians by working for her unity so that we can make her great and prosperous.
  1. It is strange that you don’t know the fact, which is known to every educated person that the earth goes round the sun once a year.
  1. We saw a Parsi comedy drama at the Tagore Hall and returned late at night.
  1. When we came to know that Akshay stood first in the school, we went to his house to congratulate him.
  1. Two cats had stolen some cheese but they couldn’t decide how to divide it equally between them so they went to the monkey to settle the dispute for them.
  1. When I was crossing the street with my wife after a lovely meals together a car had hit me and knocked me down.
  1. I know the German shoemaker living with his elder brother in a small by-street from the days of my youth because he made my fathers’ shoes.
  1. In despair Kadis went to consult a great specialist named Dr. Yoctz who was famous for his knowledge and wisdom.
  1. In despair Kadis went to consult a great specialist named Dr. Yoetz who was famous for his knowledge and wisdom.
  1. When I told my mother that you were going to school and dance with me her tired eyes clouded.
  1. On a stormy Christmas Eve Delia and Harry were busy talking about weather and many other things, when a stranger came to seek shelter and they treated him warmly.


  1. The people heard the news that the king was ill therefore they crowded to inquire about his health.
  1. Honest persons neither tell lies nor cheat others so people honour and love them, too.
  1.   A person cannot know about the future so he cannot prevent problems from coming but he should do his daily work well and he should not be discouraged easily.
  1. When the shepherd saw the traveller coming towards the cave, he rose to welcome him and offered a place in his cave.
  1. Hanumanthappa wanted to study further but he was a poor coolie’s son and his daily income was only 40 rupees so he decided to help his father to support the family.


  1. Mahendra Jaggad is my friend who is an honest doctor treating poor patients free of charge.


  1. It was their good luck that they found their lost son who was sitting on the steps of the temple built outside the village.
  1. Aunt Jane handed a cheque of ten pounds to Jill to pay off just one of her bills so that she could say one thing at least really belongs to her, but she sent the cheque to the doctor.

 9.As we had lost our way, we asked a home-guard to help us but he was a stranger to the place so he could not help us.

  1. When India became free in 1947, there were more than five hundred states which were united in the country by the bold leader like Sardar Vallabhbhai.
  1. Let us all be true Indians and work for her unity so that we can make her great and prosperous.
  1. Honest People neither tell lies nor cheat others so people honour them and love them.
  1. Honest persons neither tell lie or cheat others so people honour them and love them, too.
  1. The Taj Mahal is a very wonderful monument. It was built by Shahjahan. It was built in the memory of his wife, Mumtaz. It is on the bank of the river Yamuna.
  1. This speech was delivered in Chicago by Swami Vivekananda as a representative of Hindu religion from India.
  1. Mr. Joseph was a pious, kind and helpful principal in a primary school in Anand District so many students and parents appreciated him for his work. 


Mr.Joseph was a principal in a primary school in Anand District who was pious, kind and helpful so many students and parents appreciated him for his work.


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