English Grammar for class 12 Gseb VOCABULARY Main Text

English Grammar for class 12 Gseb VOCABULARY Main Text

Fill The Blanks With Appropriate Words


 Fil in the blanks using the words given the brackets.

  • (inevitable, imbibe, initiated, vital)
  1. Awreness campaign must be initiated for using solar energy. NGOS can play a vital role for this regard. Print out should be taken when it is inevitable.
  • (consumption, irrelevantly, consumption, usefully)

2.paper consumption should be reduced. It will save numerous trees. We have seen pamphlets are Distributed irrelevantly.

  • (admit, vital, calamitous, urgent)

3.Global Warming is an  problem. This problem leads to urgent results. We should not leave everything on the government. Each individual can play a  calamitous role to control it.

  • (emissions, offset, eliminate, foot print)
  1. We should try to reduce emissions of CO2 or carbon footprints. It is harmful for our planet. We should eliminate maximum use of transportation. We should find new ways for it.
  • (scarce, pronounce, imbibe, scarcity)
  1. Water is a scarce and precious thing. In coming decades we will face scarcity of water. Many simple ways we should imbibe in our routine life to save it.


  • (reluctance, emancipation, auctioned, brutally)
  1. emancipation Act  gave relief to slaves of America. Yet many people showed reluctance to make them free. Slaves were oft in those days.
  • (sanatorium, ditch, racial injustice, obligate)
  1. Mother Teresa did not believe in racial injustice. She served the patients at She was awarded with the Nobel Prize for her service to humanity. We are obligate to her.
  • (idiomatic, tenure, jargon, sanatorium)
  1. People of Saurashtra speak in Gujarati language yet we hardly understand it because of their kathiyavadi jargon.

We can’t get their idiomatic expressions. My native place is Mehsana do I faced many troubles during my tenure at Bhavnagar.

  • (ran away, fugitive, menial, wound up)
  1. Sojourner  finally ran away with her youngest child and wound up in Newyork.sge worked at menial job.
  • (tirade, fugitive, fanatic, sway)
  1. Some people helped Sojourner and so she came under

 the sway of a religious fanatic named Mathias. She earned money from her lectures and helped fugitive slaves.

  • (bier, funeral, whisper, urn)
  1. Ajay couldn’t attend his father’s funeral as he was in U.S.A. His family members prepared his bier. They took urn to collect ashes.
  • (ashes, immersion, postpone, whispered)
  1. When we had to take Nani’s ashes for immersion, Nana stood there. He whispered something  but nobody could listen to him.
  • (intervene, whoosh, bear the brunt, provoked)
  1. Sometimes children make mistakes and their mother has to bear the brunt as their father is provoked. Their grandparents don’t intervene and sit calmly in one of the corner.
  • (impressionable, provoke, reprimanded, damn)
  1. The class teacher reprimanded the students for their misbehavior. He spoke a lot on their damn attitude but the principal’s look was not impressionable.
  • (quip, reprimanded, audible, taken aback)
  1. I was taken aback to know about his accident. He phoned me but because of too much noise it was not audible.I reprimanded him for his careless driving.
  • (inevitable, imbibe, initiated, vital)
  1. Awareness campaign must be initiated for using solar energy. NGOs can play a  vital role for this regard. Print out should be taken when it is inevitable.
  • (numerous, irrelevantly, consumption, usefully)
  1. Paper consumption should be reduced. It will save numerous trees. We have seen pamphlets are distributed irrelevantly.
  • (admit, vital, calamitous, urgent)
  1. Global Warming is an urgent problem. This problem leads to calamitous results. We should not leave everything on the government. Each individual can play a vital role to control it.
  • (emissions, offset, eliminate, foot print)
  1. We should try to reduce emissions of CO2 or carbon footprints. It is harmful for our planet. We should eliminate maximum use of transportation. We should find new ways for it.
  • (scarce, pronounce, imbibe, scarcity)
  1. Water is a scarce and precious thing. In coming decades we will face scarcity of water. Many simple ways we should imbibe in our routine life to save it.
  • (industrious, reality, chance, successful)
  1. Anil Ambani is a successful businessman. He is a very industrious man. He believes in reality.
  • (encounter, complex, gloomy, reality)
  1. Ratan Tata is a very complex businessman. No one will find him sitting gloomy.He is always ready to encounter any thugh Situation.
  • (extravagance, product, encourages, successful)
  1. Activa is a famous product of Honda company. Honda encourages his workers a lot. The company does not believe in extravagance.
  • (vision, influence, forever, chance)
  1. Dhirubhai Ambani’s influence on the Reliance would never be finished. He continued to inspire his employees through his vision. He will be remembered forever.
  • (riveted, dissent, flopped, evident)
  1. Amitabh doesn’t like his flopped movie. He riveted his audience with his actions. He is ready to forget his dissent and start the work with a new creation.
  • (propaganda, reliable, persuade, mouthpiece)
  1. Mehul is my reliable friend. I can persuade him any matter. He worked for my propaganda last year.
  • (handful, an editor, fare, favour)
  1. Mr. Shah is an editor of Marvel Publication. He is known for fare his articles. He does not favour any kind or malpractice.
  • (limb, speak, deaf, touched)
  1. Helen Keller was deaf and blind. As she was deaf she could not speak too but her teacher touched her palm and taught her manything.
  • (humiliation, miseries, din, endure)
  1. The war affected people suffer from innumerable miseries. They enduce manythings. They face their humiliation day to day.
  • (orator, blind vanity, valiantly, susceptible)
  1. Mr.Modi became susceptible when he remembered his mother. He is a known orator.He does not believe in blind vanity.
  • (boon, myths, trade, confirmed)
  1. Headache is a confirmed habit. It develops a huge trade for it’s cure.There are different myths to help mankind for this excuse.
  • (sundry, precociousness, unconvincing, indisposition)

27.Indisposition could be used only at particular level. This word is used not by all and sundry. Only eminent person could use this word. If any school boy says this his ear will be twisted for his precociousness.

  • (inanity, ailment, excuse, impunity)
  1. If someone doesn’t want to do any work he puts forswear an excuse of headache. No other ailment can be so openly mentioned with impunity.
  • (shocked, inanity, elegant, indisposition)

29. You could mention headache in the most elegant social gathering. Noone would be shocked by it. One more such expression which is superior to headache is indisposition.

  • (please, confirm, skip, forswears)
  1. The husband forswears his dinner on the plea of headache. May have some issue with his wife or perhaps he wants to skip from his promise to take her out.
  • (to fetch, arduous, behaviour, noticed)
  1. Have you the women of remote villages. They had to walk a long distance to fetch water. Really it is an ardous task.
  • (to defeat, to adept, organise, bite)
  1. The workers organise a meeting. They are against a new policy. They stand together to adept their masters.
  • (progress, ferocious, get a foot hold, to protect)
  1. Nobody could get a foot hold in metro area. Many people became ferocious againstb the troubles caused by a few criminals. They try to protect their families against them.
  • (indolent, march, devour, ambush)
  1. The python can devour a small animal. It is a fact that the python is an indolent animal but it can ambush it’s prey.
  • (hunter, steep, cliff, ardous)
  1. We started climbing. It was and ardous task. There was a cliff on our way. It was a very steep climbing.
  • (pessimism, languidly, stressed, technique)
  1. Krish gets stressed as the exam approaches. He is full of pessimism. He should not ork languidly.
  • (cerebrospinal, microscopic, cranial, spinal)
  1. When we breathe there is a microscopic movement of the cranial bones. It disturbs the spinal column and the skull.
  • (hemispheres, rebalances, rational, concentrate)
  1. We should write with other hand. This rebalance the two hemispheres of the brain. We should concentrate on the present rather than on the coming events.
  • (rational, grasp, mental capacity, consequence)

39. Mental capacity is needed to study to work and to make rational decisions. The mind grasps everything.

  • (hectic, pessimism, anticipate, consequently)
  1. What we do we get consequently. We should not anticipate other where we are working.we should  spare sometime from our hectic routine for your hobby.
  • (to crush, solution, entity, compulsion)
  1. Swamiji has given us solution to live peaceful life. He says us not to crush our wishes. He asks us that our entity should not be controlled by others.
  • (crush, absurdity, secure, speculation)
  1. People of Andheri Nagari were full of speculation. Sometimes they had to face problems for their absurdity. So they were not secure.
  • (clue, function, aspiration, cultivate)
  1. The function of education is to make us true. The goal of education should not be to inspire us for aspiration but to cultivate freedom.
  • (assurance, initiative, influence, imaginative)
  1. The Nirma institute gives assurance to their students for better jobs. The students of this institute are imaginative and not initiative.
  • (spiritual, superstitions, ugly, implies)
  1. People of India believes in different superstitions. They follow traditions. Traditions implies fear. So most of Indians are cling to spiritual world.
  • (modules, internet, technical, disrupt)
  1. Nobody can disrupt my programme. I am not a technical person. I can set different modules for any software. Believe me.
  • (installed, viruses, connect, operating system)
  1. When Mitu started his computer, it was full of viruses. He has installed anti-virus programs. So the operating system was not disturbed.
  • (serene, summit, snow, snowfall)
  1. Last year, our team visited Shimla. We saw the mountains of Himalaya. It looked calm and serene. There was heavy snowfall.
  • (melted, summit, queen, vapour)
  1. Kanchenjunga is known as the queen. The whole area was covered with vapours. The shine with dews.
  • (self critic, low esteem, programme, to forgive)
  1. is an obstacle for love. The person who wants to love himself should not be a Low esteem. He must be able to self critic others.


MARCH 2018

  1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given in the brackets.

(orator, inn, tavern, idiomatic ,slavery, jargon, brutally,acquired)

   Sojourner was a well known orator. She passed her childhood in slavery. She was  a slave of Baumfree who lived in the winter inn.He could not understand her, Dutch jargon,  so he punished her brutally. Her master owned a tavern in New York. Later on Sojourner acquired, idiomatic expressions and became an orator.

MARCH 2019

52. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given in the brackets :

(experienced, chosen, imagining, symbolises, illustrate, comfortable, mental, tranquility)

Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes. Choose a word that symbolises‘ calmness’ to you : harmony tranquility serenity,‘ peace’, ‘relax’. Meditate on your chosen word. Visualise scenes that tie in with the word or build up mental , image that illustrate the  word.  you can also some time imagining what is would feel like if you experienced harmoney or tranquility inside your self.

  • Answer : unit •


1.initiated, vital, inevitable

2.consumption, numerous, irrelevantly

  1. urgent, calamitous, vital
  2. emissions, footprints, eliminate
  3. scarce, scarcity, imbibe

Answer- Mixed Exercise •

  1. Emancipation, reluctance, auctioned
  1. racial injustice, sanatorium, obligate

3.jargon, idiomatic, tenure

4.ran away, wound up, menial

5.sway, fanatic, fugitive

  1. funeral, bier, urn

7.ashes, immersion, whispered

  1. bear the brunt, provoked, intervene
  1. reprimanded, damn, impressionable.
  1. taken aback, audible, reprimanded
  1. initiated, vital, inevitable
  1. consumption, numerous, irrelevantly
  1. urgent, calamitous, vital
  1. emissions, footprints, eliminate
  1. scarce, scarcity, imbibe
  1. successful, industrious, reality
  1. complex, gloomy, encounter

18.product, encourages, extravagance,successful

  1. influence, vision, forever
  1. flopped, riveted, dissent
  1. reliable, persuade, propaganda
  1. an editor, fare, favour
  1. deaf, speak, touched
  1. miseries, enduce, humiliation
  1. susceptible, orator, blind vanity
  1. confirmed, trade, myths
  1. Indisposition, sundry, precociousness
  1. excuse, ailment, impunity
  1. elegant, shocked, indisposition
  1. forswears, plea, skip
  1. noticed, to fetch, ardous
  1. organise, to adept, to defeat
  1. get a foot hold, ferocious, to protect
  1. devour, indolent, ambush
  1. ardous, cliff, steep
  1. stressed, pessimism, languidly

37.microscopic, cranial, spinal

  1. rebalance, hemispheres, concentrate
  1. mental capacity, rational, grasps
  1. consequently, anticipate, hectic

41.solution, to crush, entity

  1. speculation, absurdity, secure
  1. function, aspiration, cultivate
  1. assurance, imaginative, initiative

45.superstitions, implies, spiritual

  1. disrupt, technical, modules
  1. viruses, installed, operating system
  1. serene, snowfall, snow
  1. queen, vapours,summit
  1. Low esteem, self critic, to forgive
  1. orator, slavery, inn, jargon, brutally, tavern,

acquired, idiomatic

  1. comfortable, symbolises, tranquility, chosen, mental, illustrate, imagining, experienced



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